Show & Story Ideas: #1 Bestseller Revelation 911 and Your Mission in God's Army by Col. David Giammona, Pastor Paul Begley and Pulitzer Prize-Nominated Investigative Journalist Troy Anderson
By Inspire PR Agency
Dear Media Editors, Journalists, Show Hosts. Producers, Podcasters, Media Reporters and Pastors,
We pray you're doing well! My co-authors retired U.S. Army Chaplain (Colonel) David Giammona, Pastor Paul Begley and I would be greatly honored if you'd like to write stories or bring us on your shows to talk about current events and our new books Your Mission in God's Army and the #1 Amazon "Best Seller" and #1 "Hot New Release" Revelation 911.
Your Mission in God's Army: Discovering and Completing Your Faith-Filled Assignment Before Christ's Return (Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group), which I co-authored with Col. Giammona (, will be released on April 16. It's the third of our three books, including the #1 bestsellers The Military Guide to Armageddon and The Military Guide to Disarming Deception.
In addition, I have another book coming out March 26 that I co-authored with Pastor Paul Begley (, host of The Coming Apocalypse syndicated TV show reaching 45 million homes and a popular YouTube show ( with over 250 million views.
It's called Revelation 911: How the Book of Revelation Intersects with Today's Headlines (Salem Books/Regnery Publishing). It has become a #1 "Best Seller" and #1 "Hot New Release" on Amazon multiple times.
We would be honored if you'd like to interview all three of us for your show and/or magazine/newspaper story, or Col. Giammona and I for one show, and/or magazine/newspaper story, and Pastor Begley and I for another show, or magazine/newspaper story. Together, we have about 600,000 followers on social media and we can help promote your show, helping it go viral.
Pastor Begley says the books are a "one-two punch" to help awaken the world to the lateness of the hour on God's prophetic clock and encourage Christians to join God's end-times army to help bring in what he calls the "Great Harvest Revival."
CBN News has done a great job of covering Pastor Greg Laurie's beach baptisms here in Orange County, Sean Feucht's outdoor concerts, the Asbury Revival, Todd Coconato and Mario Murillo's tent revivals, hundreds baptized last week in the fountain at the "#2 party school" Florida State University, and many other examples of pockets of revival, especially among young people, breaking out throughout America over the last year, especially since the release of the hit movie Jesus Revolution.
Interestingly, Revelation 911 and Your Mission in God's Army are coming out shortly before and after the "Great North American Eclipse" on April 8, which forms a giant "X" in the middle of America compared to a similar eclipse seven years ago. This eclipse (signs in the "sun, moon and stars" - Luke 21:25-28) will garner massive media coverage regarding its astronomical and prophetic significance. In between these eclipses, there was an annular eclipse on October 14, 2023. The paths of the three eclipses form the letters "Aleph” and "Tav" in the Hebrew alphabet, or "Alpha" and "Omega," the "Beginning and the End" (Revelation 22:13). Is this a message from God? Could this be the beginning of the great end-times revival before Christ's return?
The April 8 eclipse goes through eight cities named Nineveh in North America while the 2017 eclipse went through eight cities named Salem, or Jerusalem (ironically, Salem Books is publishing Revelation 911). Is this our "Nineveh Moment"? Is God sending us a message that it's judgment or revival? The "X" is in Carbondale, Illinois, or "Little Egypt" and is near the New Madrid Fault Line, the site of massive earthquakes in 1811-12. Could this have something to do with the two-state solution in Israel? Pastor Begley says he's heard reports that there could be a plague of locusts in the Carbondale area in March or April. We explore all this and other astronomical phenomena in great detail in Revelation 911.
When I interviewed Billy Graham in 2013 (see the seven-part series - ) - he told me that when God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to warn of judgment that the king and the people repented, averting judgment. Graham said he believed the same thing could happen again, this time in America.
That inspired Paul McGuire and I to call for a national day of repentance (the last president to do so was Abraham Lincoln) in our #1 FaithWords/Hachette Book Group bestseller Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite and the Countdown to Armageddon.
Our friend The Return International Co-Founder Rev. Kevin Jessip ran with it, networked with a who's who of faith, political and business leaders, and persuaded New York Times bestselling author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (The Harbinger, etc.) to be the spokesman. Then, by a miracle of the Holy Spirit, The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance ( took place on September 26, 2020 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. with 250,000 people in attendance and 42 million watching. President Trump issued a proclamation for a "Day of Prayer and Return."
With the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, wars breaking out worldwide, catastrophic natural disasters pummeling the planet, the possibility of “Disease X,” the growing potential of World War III and economic Armageddon amid record debt levels, the rise of Artificial Intelligence and other potential "mark of the beast" technologies, the growing possibility that the popularity of UFOs and extraterrestrials could be the "powerful delusion" (2 Thessalonians 2:11) that the Apostle Paul warned us of, and the World Economic Forum's push for the "Great Reset" and United Nations' "Agenda 2030," we believe it's no coincidence Your Mission in God's Army and Revelation 911 are coming out amid the eclipse, all the crazy things happening today and shortly before the 2024 Presidential Election.
We did not plan this. We have been doing research and interviews for Revelation 911 and Your Mission in God's Army since late 2021 and early 2022, and we ran late in writing the books. Revelation 911 was supposed to be released in January but then the publisher, Salem Books, bumped up the release date to April 4, and then Skyhorse Publishing (which just bought Salem Books), moved it back to March 26.
I would be happy to set up interviews with you with both of my co-authors and I for one show or two separate shows, or one story or two separate stories, or however you feel led.
I'm happy to send you pdfs of the books if you'd like also.
God bless!
Troy Anderson
Pulitzer Prize-Nominated Journalist | Bestselling Author
Founder and President | Inspire Literary Group
Vice President | Battle Ready Ministries
Irvine, CA
Cell: 949-887-1511
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Read Pastor Paul Begley and Troy Anderson’s Revelation 911 Q & A.
Read Col. David Giammona and Troy Anderson’s Your Mission in God’s Army Q & A.
Watch the book trailer video for Revelation 911:
About Pastor Paul Begley: Ordained by Dr. Lester Sumrall in the LeSEA organization of South Bend, Indiana, Pastor Paul Begley is a renowned figure in evangelism and Bible prophecy. Hosting the weekly telecast The Coming Apocalypse, reaching 45 million homes, and running the popular YouTube channel PaulBegley34 with over 250 million views, Pastor Paul, described by the media as America’s “most entertaining doomsday preacher,” brings decades of experience to the forefront. His internet ministry and gospel CDs have touched lives globally, with recent revivals held in Odisha, India. Find out more at
About Troy Anderson: A Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, Troy Anderson boasts an impressive career with five #1 bestselling books like The Babylon Code (FaithWords/Hachette Book Group, 2015), The Military Guide to Armageddon(Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group, 2021) and now Revelation 911 (Salem Books, Regnery Publishing, 2024). As an award-winning journalist and founder and president of the Inspire Literary Group, Anderson has contributed to major media outlets such as Reuters, Newsmax and Townhall and gained recognition for his impactful work. He spent two decades working as a reporter, bureau chief and editorial writer at the Los Angeles Daily News, The Press-Enterprise and other newspapers and served as executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media. His collaboration with Pastor Paul Begley in Revelation 911 has already secured a #1 "Best Seller” and #1 "Hot New Release” status on Amazon. Discover more about Anderson at www.troyanderson.usand
Colonel David J. Giammona retired in 2018 after 32 years of military service. He is a frequent guest on national programs to discuss Israel, the military, and current events. He hosts Frontline and is president of Battle Ready Ministries.